Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mish Mosh, it's been too long

“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.” 
              ― Abraham Lincoln

It's been too long since I last posted, no weekly mix and match 6-pack last week or this week, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. I am sitting here in my hotel room in Portland and figured I'd post about a few new beers that I had recently. First and foremost is Lunker Bait. Now don't go rushing out and trying to find this anywhere because you can't, it's one of my brews. This is one that I had been very excited about trying, as I made some modifications based on my experience with my first batch. I let this one go through the carbonation phase for 3 weeks instead of the 2 weeks I did on the light beer that I did. The results were well worth it. It has a beautiful dark golden color, it has a refreshing light mouthfeel, with a hint of apple cider.

Lunker Bait, with custom label by me.

Next up I stepped out of my comfort zone, I'm getting a bit better at this, and went with an IPA. I was at The Winkling Lizard (local tavern chain) and tried their glass of the month, Meantime IPA. I haven't been a fan of IPAs before, usually too bitter for my taste, I was pleasantly surprised, plus as a bonus I got to keep the glass. It did have a slightly bitter finish but not unpleasant, nice mouthfeel to it as well and a fantastic head. Winking Lizard has a World Beer Tour that I'm thinking I'll do next year, for a $20 fee you get a card and you have 1 year to drink 300 different beers from their ENORMOUS bottled beer selection. Once you complete your tour you get a really nice jacket for free....well for the the $20 plus the cost of the 300 beers you drank so if you think about it is really an expensive jacket so I won't think about that aspect. 

Meantime IPA

 While at the Winkling Lizard I noticed they had mead. I figured I'd have a sample. So as our server went to go get it I had visions of him bringing back a large pewter tankard full of a lukewarm thick brew with foam dripping down the side, okay so visions of the Lord of the Rings were swirling in my head was that Gandalf over in the corner??? Our server returned with a small glass in front of me with a light golden liquid in it. What??? I didn't order a chardonnay, what the hell. So I gave it a taste, it wasn't chardonnay but a slightly sweet, syrupy liquid with a nice light honey flavor. This stuff is pretty good....and pretty potent at 12% ABV. 

Honey Mead

Finally we have the Pyramid IPL (India Pale Lager), it's a new year round brew from Pyramid Brewery right out of the northwest. It was delicious, very slight bitter mouthfeel but like the Meantime IPA not at all unpleasant. I will have to look for this one once I get back home. 

Pyramid IPL

In closing I have one comment, I was reading an article somewhere on the internet about beer and one point from the article that I have come to agree with is that usually us American's are drinking beer too cold. On more than a few occasions as I taste a fresh beer I don't get the flavor of the beer as it's hidden behind just cold. I think this may be an additional reason why I should get a beer fridge. Until next time....

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